Thursday 25 June 2015

How to preserve natural resources ?


Air, water, soil, forests, animals, etc., that are provided by nature or occur naturally are called natural resources. Some of these natural resources like sunlight and wind are renewable resources. This means that they can be used again and again without being exhausted. But some like forests, minerals, oil, etc., are non-renewable.
We know that man depends on his environment. We need our environment and the things it provides us for staying alive. Animals and plants also depend on the environment for their survival. Over a period of time, we have used up a lot of these resources. We need to conserve and preserve these resources or soon they will be exhausted.
1. Preservation of forests and wild animals:
We need to stop destroying forests and cutting trees. Forests are the home to many different animals, birds and insects. Many animals like the leopard, the Indian Wild Ass, the great Indian one-horned Rhinocerous, etc. have become endangered and are close to extinction because of the destruction of their natural habitat. Trees give us wood that helps in making so many things like furniture, paper, etc. Trees help in purifying the air and also hold the soil with their roots and stop soil erosion. We must protect our forests. This can be done in the following ways :
  • We must control the cutting of trees and plant more trees.
  • We must prevent forest fires.
2. Converting forests to National Parks and Bird Sanctuaries:
The government has now started protecting forests by converting them into national parks and wildlife or bird sanctuaries. Cutting of trees or killing of birds and animals is not allowed here and is punishable by the law. Grazing or cultivating of the land is also prohibited. Some national parks of India are marked on the map given alongside. The Kaziranga National Park in Assam is famous for one-horned rhinoceros. Bird sanctuaries are areas where birds are protected and encouraged to breed. The Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary is one of the biggest bird sanctuaries in India. It houses more than 415 kinds of birds, out of which many birds like the Siberian crane, flycatchers, buntings, etc., migrate from places as far away as Siberia and China.
3. Preservation of soil:
Soil is a very important natural resource. Man and animals depend on plants for their food and plants get nourishment from the soil. So we can say that all living things depend on soil for their food. The process of wind, rain or rivers carrying away the top fertile layer of soil is called soil erosion. Cutting of trees or deforestation, strong winds in places of less vegetation (deserts), running of water bodies over the soil and overgrazing are all causes of soil erosion. We can prevent it by the following methods :
i) Forestation or planting trees as their roots hold the soil together. Cultivating the soil also provides it cover and prevents wind from blowing it away,
ii) Terrace or step farming done on slopes of hills slows the speed of water flowing down and reduces soil erosion.
iii) Building embankments on river banks prevents soil erosion by the rivers.
4. Preservation of minerals:
We must use minerals sensibly as they are non-renewable natural resources. There is only a limited amount of oil, limestone, iron, coal, etc., found in the Earth. We should use renewable and non-polluting sources of energy like solar energy, wind energy, etc., instead of coal and oil so that they can last longer.
5. Windmill is used to harness wind energy:
Though some resources like air, water, soil, etc., are renewable we should use them carefully as their pollution has affect on plants and animals too. Even a small change in environment or the quality of natural resources affects life around it.

Monday 22 June 2015


Forest fire is bust out of fire in the forests to some activity mainly due to attrition caused by rubbing of trees. High temperature also adds up to cause of forest fire. Exactly what happens is, as the wind blows there is contact among the barks of the trees. This contact creates the attrition force among the barks of the trees. Oxygen available in the air helps along with the atmospheric temperature to cause fire.

This fire is a great threat, as it can’t be extinguished by us. It has to stop on its own. This causes damage to the wild species which live in those forests. They will lose their home, sometimes get hurt or even lose their habitat, in the worst cases. Such disaster will cause extinct of certain species that are very sensitive to changes. Along with this, the amount of forest will reduce, thereby due to less trees air purification will be less. Also burning of forest will cause emission of green house gas into the atmosphere. This will increase the atmospheric temperature; also damage the ozone layer causing global warming. The land becomes barren and almost waste.

It’s like chain we pollute the atmosphere and increase the atmospheric temperature by our day to day activities, which in turn disturbs the nature and comes like a boomerang and affects us in amplified way.
The controller for such threat is in our hands. All we have to do is to take care of the global warming. We must see that we don’t pollute the atmosphere beyond the tolerance limit. These are just simple things, if we follow them our earth will be the best place to live in.



We are now living in “throwaway society” all we use is use and throw, from pen to commodities, metals, etc. As the population is high this causes disposal of huge amount of trash. Also the trashes disposed these days are quite different from the trashes disposed 50years back. All could not be treated in the similar way, as some are recyclable while others are not. If we just keep on dumping, or disposing by landfill methods, huge area of land is required. Now-a-days land available for living itself is diminishing, in this we require land for dumping waste, which is very difficult to get.

It was found that 70% of the trash from the household can be recycled. So instead of dumping these in trash it can be recycled. These include glass bottles, cans, papers, gift papers and boxes. Recycling these wastes is simple and can reduce space required for landfill.

On segregating the recyclable products the household wastes are left with less waste. Also the food waste in this can be used in developing gardens or compost piles. This way if we dispose the wastes in different bags it would be utilized in better way and least amount of wastes would be dumped. This will not only save the land also the resources.

Apart from household wastes, also garbage disposed from industries could be recycled. This will reduce the expense incurred in landfilling and incineration. Also it saves energy, reduces greenhouse gas emission and other toxic gases. It helps in conservation of scare natural resources.

Energy has become the daily need for us, without which life is very difficult. In this condition its best to save the energy in whatever way we can. Recycling is one the best way to say energy.
For example:
  • ·         Recycling 1aluminum can, can save energy which could run a Television for 3hours.
  • ·    Recycled aluminum saves 95% energy while recycled plastic, recycled steel, recycled glass and recycled newspaper saves 70%, 60%, 40% and 40% respectively.

Recycling substitutes scrap materials instead of virgin materials like trees, metal ores, minerals, oil etc. Also recycling reduces the need for expansion of forestry and mining production.  

We can see the positives of recycling so it’s our prime duty to create awareness among the people in and around us. Those who all wish to save energy, natural resources also our earth and contribute your best by sharing and spreading this as much as you can. 

Tuesday 16 June 2015


Anyone out there who cares about the place we live ? 

If yes, try to make up your mind right now and choose the way you want to live on earth and decide how long we'll continue destroying just evrything which just arrived a couple of million or thousand years ago. 
I'm desperate to see everybody concerned about environmental questions and not just hiding the real questions which will be soon : 

Where can we find safe water ? 
Where is the air still safe to breath ? 
Where are the people still respectfully leaving with the nature ? 
How the fuck did we manage to destroy everything in such short time ? 

Some questions are already looking for answers. 

Make your mind up and move your asses ! Make sure the earth will be kept as one of the most beautiful places in universe ! 

See ya !

Friday 12 June 2015

Our Society

Our society has been made or run by following activities.

1.     Agriculture
2.     Dairy (animal husbandry)
3.     Culture
4.     Social activity
5.     Social help
6.     Emotion
7.     Human being

Then we are going away from these activities and going forward to other activities ..WHY.. ?

We are going forward to disaster day by day and we are self responsible for this. There is lot of activities we are destroying the earth and even ourselves.

We are destroying the agricultural land and forest and plant & trees. WHY..?

We have already unnecessary houses and property but due to the greed of property we are destroying this. We need only one house for a living but we have possession of more than 1 plot or house.

To have one Tree as natural resources we have multiple benefits and to destroy trees we have multiple disadvantage For example:

The Advantages of having trees

  • Tree give us wood                            
  • Tree give us Fruit
  • Tree give us shadow
  • Tree give us oxygen
  • Tree give us leaves
  • Tree give us fresh air
  • Tree give us rain
  • Tree give us peace and greenery

If a tree is planted after some time we did not need its maintenance.

Disadvantages of not having trees:

  • Due to cut of tree we are using artificial wood or ply which is not durable.
  • Electricity consumption is increasing due to hot resulting in more destroy of natural resources and environment.
  • Our health is going to disturb.
  • By using artificial items A.C. Cooler Fridge due to high temperature in the environment we are using more & more resources.


Everyone wants to become doctor, engineer, lawyer, master but nobody wants to become a agriculturist, socialist etc. if we will focus on saving natural resources we need not require doctor, engineers etc.

As we know we eat from agricultural activities why nobody is expanding this area ever we are going away from this why?


We daily need milk nobody can live without milk but we don’t want to keep milking animals why?